MouseRid® Bait Trays are a new approach to effectively kill unwanted rat and mouse pests.
Benefits Include:
• Rat & Mouse Control
• Patented Technology
• Non-Toxic Rodenticide
• Ready to Use Bait Trays
• Approved for Indoor Use
Using non-toxic ingredients, MouseRid® Bait Trays are safe for use around people, pets, livestock, and wildlife. MouseRid® Bait Trays are even safe to birds of prey with no risk of “secondary kill”.
MouseRid® Bait Trays are pre-measured bait trays that make baiting easy. Just peel off the bait tray cover and set the trays out where you see rat or mouse activity.
Available Sizes Include:
• 4 pack
*Currency for all MouseRid® products is in USD.
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