RatX® Ready Trays are premeasured bait trays—a new approach to effectively killing rats in homes, barnyards, industrial buildings, livestock areas, or anywhere the unwanted pests live. RatX® Ready Trays provide the same power and effectiveness of RatX®, with all the convenience and ease-of-use of a traditional trap.
Just peel off the bait tray cover and set the RatX® Ready Trays out where you see rat activity.
Made with naturally derived ingredients, RatX® Pellets attract rats when used as directed. Active ingredients in the pellets make rats stop drinking, leading to eventual dehydration and death without a noticeable odor.
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Additional information:
• Formulated for indoor & outdoor Use
• Naturally derived* rat & mouse control
• Safe for use around livestock & pets when used as directed
• Perfect for both professional & DIY use
• EPA minimum risk pesticide
• Patented mechanical kill system requires no conventional poisons
• Protected by 3 U.S. and 2 Global patents, other patents pending
*Corn gluten, Sodium chloride
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